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PHP: News Archive - 2023PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that powers everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world.
Freddie Mac - We Make Home Possible - Freddie MacWe are supporting America s homeowners and renters while serving as a stabilizing force in the U.S. housing finance system.
About Us - Freddie MacFreddie Mac makes home possible for millions of people by providing mortgage capital to lenders. Since 1970, we ve made housing more accessible and affordable nationwide.
Our Business - Freddie MacFreddie Mac s core divisions provide a constant source of mortgage funding for the nation s housing and rental market.
Our Leaders - Freddie MacMeet Freddie Mac s executive leaders and board of directors.
Freddie Mac Corporate GovernanceFreddie Mac s corporate governance under conservatorship, including the board composition, the authority of the board, information about board committees, and governance documents.
Annual Meeting of Stockholders - Freddie MacAnnual reports, proxy statements and information statements for the 2007 and 2008 annual meeting of stockholders. Beginning in 2009, under conservatorship, stockholder meetings are not held and statements are not prepare
Authority of the Board and Board Committees - Freddie MacRead and understand the authority of Freddie Mac’s Board and Board Committees.
Media Room - Freddie MacFreddie Mac s Media Room provides members of the media easy access to our press releases and other helpful resources..
Research Perspectives - Freddie MacGain key insights into the housing industry from our original research and perspectives from our company’s leaders.
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